Mother's Day 2024- A Hudson Shaw Story

Mother's Day 2024- A  Hudson Shaw  Story

Hudson surprised me, arriving home the Saturday before Mother's Day with a bag full of beautiful flowers that he later arranged into a lovely Mother's Day bouquet and they were so beautiful !

How wonderful to have him home for the weekend… We caught up on life, ate good food and even binged watched Rogue Heroes, a WWll war series. How many years have I spent with John and Hudson watching “boy movies” ha ha! It was like old times, and yet in a way, a commencement of an era of time with our youngest, as he will soon begin a new life  with his sweet Melissa together!

In my heart, this Mother's Day visit felt special, almost as if it was a gift from God. Let me explain…

One special part of the visit took place on Mother's Day, when Hudson was doing a practice test for his upcoming Step-2  exam and reading the questions aloud while I busied  myself in the kitchen making bone broth.

At one point he said, “ Mom this is a fun one it's an OB/GYN question” (recently finishing his rotation through OB/GYN ) Hudson began to read the practice question that focused on the topic of cervical pre-cancer and treating it with a procedure called a  “conization”, which is a  biopsy, that removes a cone- shaped piece of tissue from the cervix – This procedure can increase the risk of infertility or cause  difficulty becoming pregnant. 

This particular practice question had much more relevance to Hudson and I than it would to most, because I had had experience with the topic of this question some 26 years ago.  Curiously reading further through the question, we learned that yes in fact, conization could very well end a woman's capability to become pregnant again, and/ or carry a baby successfully to term. 

As Hudson continued to read, this  practice question confirmed medically that 26  years ago through a series of events, I was spared from this procedure…  

But first you need to know some of the back story. After having our last child Katie in 1988 and not really trying to get pregnant after her, we busied ourselves happily raising our two kids. Fast-forward  to 1996… 8  years after our last child was born, I had  a routine appointment with my OB/GYN doctor and received a bleak diagnosis  that I had a pre- cancerous condition of my cervix. The doctor said this would require the aforementioned  “conization” procedure. While  describing it she asked the question “ do you have children? When I replied yes, she asked “How many?”  When I  told her I had two, she quickly replied  “ good!”  …Did this haunting response imply that I wouldn't be able to have any more children after the conization treatment she plan to use with me ? 

Understandably after her comment, I did not have peace! I began questioning  if  proceeding with her treatment plan was a good idea. At the time, I had very  little  information about my condition or what the best treatments  for it would be. Remember, we were living in the pre-google, pre-internet age, and I couldn't quickly research what the risks were. But I did have red flags cautioning me, which quickly became my husband’s too. In the interim of indecision a good friend of ours, Mark Carlson, stopped by one morning for coffee, as he would do occasionally. He asked me specifically how I was doing, and he was the kind of friend you couldn't pretend with! So I shared I was not so good, and that I had just received a pre-cancer diagnosis. He immediately began encouraging me with loving words of comfort as my christian friend, and asked if he could pray for me. I agreed and he began to pray an amazing faith-filled prayer. He addressed the cancer issue, and as he prayed he prayed these words: "Burn this cancer out of your servant and loving daughter God...burn it out!" When he finished praying, I had an overwhelming sense in my spirit that the procedure that would be used to help me with this cancer issue would involve HEAT! Waves of peace came to me after Mark's powerful prayer. 

After these series of events John was motivated to contact our primary care doctor, Dan Borgstadt for a second opinion. When we contacted Dr Dan, our Christian brother and friend, he emphatically insisted to John that  I should not in any way undergo a conization; that this procedure in his words “ would  mutilate Keli’s cervix". Instead, he offered the solution of  an in - out treatment called a LEEP procedure (Electro Surgical Excision Procedure), which uses wire HEATED by electricity. This would keep the cervix intact, healthy & strong, and recommended we do it immediately.

Complying, I went to see Dr. Dan, had the LEEP procedure performed, and unexpectantly within a few months time, not intentionally trying found myself to be pregnant with
YOU are a MIRACLE  Hudson Shaw!! … and cannot even imagine life on this earth without you! You are a blessing to all who know you! 

...especially on THIS Mother's Day God gave your Mom a sweet kiss while standing in the kitchen listening to you make the medical connection, understanding in that practice test question that 26 years ago, your Mom almost had a conization procedure, and that if she had, medically there would have been the chance you would not ever have been born. Your birth & your life are truly a miracle of God through all the circumstances that surrounded your conception!

#LEEPPROCEDURE #cervical#precancer #leepprocedure #conization #electrosurgicalexcisionprocedure #miracle#godisgood #friendship #christian

                                             William Hudson Shaw and his Mom circa 1997!!

   Hudson is training to be a Trauma Surgeon at UF-Medical School-He just began his 4th year and serves in the USAF and has always wanted to "take care of the ones who take care of us!" since he was a young man in the Naval Sea Cadet core!
       Melissa and Hudson will soon be married having fallen in love in Medical School over a cadaver LOL ...that's a story for another POST!!
Melissa (Mel) is becoming a Psychiatrist. 


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