Who is my neighbor?

Jesus Christ claimed to be the son of the creator of heaven and earth, the son of the living God.
He put all of that aside to be born human...where the struggle is real.

Yesterday I was driving through a very busy intersection and there was a man sprawled out under a pylon, flat on his back, quite honestly he looked dead and I couldn’t see any breathing😔 and I couldn’t decide what to do, should I call 911? Do I stop?.. what do I do? Then I started thinking thoughts like did I see what I just saw? Does anybody see what I see? Do I pretend i didnt see? Do I ignore it (and the “it” was a him!...a valuable human being!) or do I just go on with my day, rationalizing in my mind that this man is obviously living with the consequences of the bad choices he’s made in life...just keep driving! I think you know the arguments i was having. We all are faced with them at various times in this life! 

I pulled the car over to run into a store but I couldn’t get out of the car... I sat and pondered what to do and with a heavy sigh I decide I had to go check on him!

I got him some food ,some water and a blanket and headed over to him

When I encountered him he startled awake and looked into my eyes...what I saw, I’ll never forget, it was like I was glimpsing the sacred. I could see shame in those eyes, I could see brokenness but then I saw gratitude...like they conveyed “i mattered to someone”! 

Sitting up, with his head hung low and pulling the blanket I had covered him with, tighter around him, he turned his back to me in shame and began to eat... 

Christ comes to us...
in the lowliest of places
in the loftiest of places

...dont miss Him

‘Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?’ Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’ 


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