My Boy is off to Sea Cadet bootcamp!

Hudson has left for his first full week away from home on his own! And that makes this Mamma of three, quake in her boots! (well flip flops actually) I know that this is the beginning of him being just steps away from going on to make a life of his own.... been here and done this with my two older ones, their flying from the nest comes swiftly! (yet another heart breaking, for a mamma bird!)  He is under strict orders that he is not allowed to date a girl until he's at least 25!...haha (had you going there for a minute!)

 He does love all things military and this seems a beginning of something much bigger. So yet again I will cherish these next 5 years he will be home...and set him free when the time comes to chase his dreams.

Until then...I will enjoy this time I have been given!

our Sea Cadet...prepared and ready for bootcamp 5/12/11

Cadet Shaw

Hudson's unit, they meet at the Saint Augustine Lighthouse.


Meghan said…
That is so cool!

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